Halloween ’21
Halloween ’21

Halloween ’21

How do these things keep sneaking up on us? Geesh, the next thing you know we’ll be hanging Christmas lights. (the humor in that is that I decorated the house yesterday….typing this in late Nov.).

We’re now into about our 4th year of heading to Heather & Brendan’s place for Halloween trick or treating since they are situated in a much more festive neighborhood than we are. They love to decorate the house and they always have a huge spread of awesome food for the grown-ups who attend.

Ryder waffled between several different costumes that he had picked out over the last couple weeks and the game time decision was made for an appearance of Captain America. Meanwhile EJ who really couldn’t care less (yet) about the goings-on is a massive Blippi fan much like his brother was at a similar age. So Blippi he was. Ryder showed him the ropes of trick or treating but was quickly distracted by the other kids his age leaving Blippi (who was really more interested in towing the wagon) to manage on his own.