Musical Rooms
Musical Rooms

Musical Rooms

When doing any sort of remodeling in a small home, a list of things must be formulated that have to happen before any progress on the actual project. For us, the basement actually started in the sunroom. Once upon a time it was my shop which was a terrible thing to have in a space attached to the living area of the house because of noise, dust and debris.

So the plan was to start swapping rooms. The shop had to be packed up. All tools, parts, materials, paints and supplies either had to be thrown away or stored somewhere (ie. expensive storage unit). Once that was completed, the Photography office would move from its space in the basement to the sunroom. That included desks, office supplies, electronics, photography equipment and more.

Once we completed breaking down the shop, we discovered that we had acquired a roof leak, presumably from when a neighbor’s tree had fallen on the house several years before. At the time we didn’t find any damage, but it was apparent now.

So in the midst of all the musical rooms, we couldn’t move into the office until the roof was repaired and we remodeled the office. We had planned on doing a superficial remodel, but found that now that the ceiling all had to come down anyways, we might as well go all the way and properly drywall it.  So the basement was on hold until after this could be wrapped up and the office relocated.