Broken Wing
Broken Wing

Broken Wing

I’m not sure if its in attempt to be like his brother or to impress him (or the rest of us) but the littlest man among us fear little. There was a great spot at our campsite in Seven Points that he decided he could roll thru on his balance bike and it kept him active for hours at a time sessioning the same roll in over and over and over. He was filthy from all the dust he had picked up but the smile on his face made it more than worth it. Late in the afternoon after I had gotten the campfire started, he was back at it. I recall that something caught his attention briefly forcing him to look away for the briefest moment and down he went. The fall didn’t seem any worse than others he’s walked away from, but he was obviously shaken up and had some owees. Fast forward to Wednesday evening after we had returned to Annapolis and he was still complaining of some acute pain in his arm. Kris’ instincts kicked in and she decided to take him to a urgent care facility where he got some pictures of the compound fracture on his arm. Poor guy! Now he’s in a brace (possibly a cast once he meets with his regular doc) for 4-6 weeks. So far it hasn’t slowed him down one bit. Surprised? No, we aren’t either.