Spring Break 2023!
Spring Break 2023!

Spring Break 2023!

This trip felt like two equal things… we were unwrapping Christmas presents yesterday and we were never going to get there. So weird the human psyche.

Ryder’s spring break comes at a great time for travel in that its much earlier than many other school’s breaks. That’s awesome considering travel availabilities are much greater. The drawback is, it could also be snowing in many of our usual desired destinations. So planning for said spring break can be challenging. We settled on a safe bet and decided to head south to the beach!

Ryder did have a hockey tournament over our preferred departure weekend, but that ultimately gave me a couple extra days to prep the rig for a long trip after her winter slumber. So we left on Monday morning and took our usual scenic route south in-lieu of the gamble on I95 and made it down to a new Harvest Host in North Carolina called The Hidden Garden Winery where we were treated to a quiet evening with wine tasting, burgers on the grill and a gentle Carolina breeze drifting across the farmland.

We had a reasonably early departure (which is unlike us) Tuesday morning for our shorter drive leg to Myrtle Beach where we were staying at the State Park which is conveniently located right on the beach. Wow…. what a spot and what a great campground. Our space was… well, spacious with plenty of room for the boys to play while I warmed up the campfire after wiggling the trailer between a few trees into its spot. The campground was a maze of roads and trails for all of us to explore by bike and walks with the dogs. The playground was also conveniently located right behind our site so the boys ran off over there frequently to run some energy out.

Between bike rides (no pedal bike for EJ just yet… although we tried), trips into town, beach visits to search for shark’s teeth (which we did find some) and helicopter rides, we widdled the week away at an alarming rate.

After packing up our outside stuff on the final evening, the rains came to escort us out the next morning. It was a pretty long haul up to Colonial Heights, VA from Myrtle for our next Harvest Host… but we were so pleased when we go there to find excellent accommodations and probably the best way to start the day the next morning. After having breakfast, we headed in to our host to wander among the hundreds of restored vintage trucks and tractors at Keystone Truck and Tractor Museum. Wow… just wow. It was mind boggling and I could see spending way more time than we had available there. But alas, it was time to head home on our final leg… back home before dinner.